Sketch of the Librije by Slindewater
Conrad Slindewater
Conrad Slindewater, church warden from 1530 to 1559, was deeply concerned about the sweeping Reformation. He had an original idea to do something about this and came up with the idea: now that the printing press has been invented, we can make the right books available relatively cheaply. And to do so we´ll build a new library, a librije. Whoever wants access will receive a key. And that’s how it happened. Shortly after the opening, presumably due to success, lecterns had to be added.
The Librije is therefore also intended as a defence against the Reformation, with for that time modern means.. This explains why there are books about theology, bibles, bible commentaries, legends of saints, but also about law and history. (See further under Collection) That is why there are hardly any manuscripts. Originally there were 23. Of these, eight remain.