
The Foundation depends on donations for all matters that are not part of regular maintenance. Such as (whether or not) scientific publications, digitizing unique items, organizing conferences, external communication, joint projects with related institutions, etc. The Librije Walburgiskerk Zutphen Foundation is a recognized ANBI (Cultural) Public Benefit Organization (RSIN/Tax number 8069 10 458).

You can support the preservation of the Librije in various ways:

– Donation to the Librije Zutphen Foundation

– One-time donation

– Legacy

– Donation for a specific purpose via the Slindewater-Berner Foundation. Click here for their website (in Dutch).

For more information, please contact Mr. H. Bauer

(Telephone) 06 53401271 / 0575 513087
(Snail mail) Deventerweg 167,7203 AG Zutphen